First EPC graduate already hired by multinational company

10 July 2023

The first graduation session of the new Master’s Degree Course in “Engineering of Paper and Carboard” took place on Friday 7 July at the Aula A. Pacinotti of the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Pisa.

“We have reached the turning point of a path that lasted a long time and that made us move from a one-year Master’s Degree to a Master’s Degree Course with a decidedly broader value. – explains the President of the Course Marco Frosolini – It has been an intense path and sometimes full of difficulties, but with extreme joy today we are here and we are waiting to have the first graduate.”

Ayoub Fakhry is the first recent graduate of the course with the thesis “Cellulose based substrates for innovative coating: application, properties and recycling strategies”, who has already been hired by a multinational company.
