Enrolment in the Master's Degree


The deadlines for enrolling in master’s degree programs with free access run from July, 27 to January,2 2024, without the possibility of derogations, even with late payment.
If you obtain your three-year degree at the University of Pisa after January, 2 2024, you can submit a pre-enrollment application for the 2024/2025 academic year: you will be enrolled in the Single Transition Courses and the fees charged are those calculated for the three-year degree course.
If you are already enrolled in Single Transition Courses and you pass the training activities assigned to you after January,2 2024, you remain enrolled in these courses until the end of the academic year (end of July 2024).
However, you can take all the exams required by the master’s degree program to which you have requested access.
Enrollment in master’s degree program will be finalized with the opening of enrolments for the a.y. 2024/2025, upon payment of the first installment (or upon presentation of a document involving exemption, even temporary), by the date that will subsequently be identified.

Procedure for undergraduate/graduated students at the University of Pisa

A) If you are graduating from a three-year degree course at the University of Pisa, you can apply for admission to a master’s degree course in the online degree application phase (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/laurea-ed-esame-di-stato/item/1616-informazioni-sulla-domanda-di-laurea) by expressing your willingness to continue your studies.
Your request will be automatically entered in the Admissions portal (https://ammissionelm.adm.unipi.it/) after graduation (check on the Alice portal when the degree mark is recorded), so that it will be evaluated by the Degree Program Board.
Sometimes, the student secretariat will ask you for some additional documents indicated on the “further obligations” page (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/servizi-di-segreteria/item/12771-ulteriori-adempimenti). (N.B.: compulsory for master’s degree courses in Linguistics and Translation, Euro-American Languages, Literature and Philology, Computer Science, Computer Science and Networking and for master’s degree courses of the Department of Economics and Management)

B) If you have already obtained at least a three-year degree from the University of Pisa, you must submit your request by accessing the Admissionlm portal (https://ammissionelm.adm.unipi.it/) with the same credentials as the Alice portal.
1. you will have to choose between:
– standard enrollment (if you have a first level degree, e.g. a three-year degree or an equivalent qualification)
– university transfer (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/trasferimenti-e-passaggi/item/10354-trasferimento-da-altro-ateneo-a-corsi-di-laurea-magistrale-ad-accesso-libero)(in case you are currently enrolled in a degree course in another Italian university)
– career abbreviation (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/immatricolazioni-e-iscrizioni/item/17868-abbreviazione-corsi-di-laurea-magistrale-ad-accesso-libero) (in case you already have a degree of the same level, e.g. master’s degree, specialist degree or pre-reform degree)
2. it will not be necessary to insert self-certifications of qualifications obtained at the University of Pisa as the procedure will automatically generate the certificates relating to all the careers completed in our University
3. however, you will be able to upload additional documents that may be relevant for the purposes of evaluating your application for admission (e.g. self-certifications of other qualifications obtained at other universities, self-certifications of exams taken in further careers at other universities, language certifications, IT certifications, always in compliance with Law 183/2011). Self-certifications must be signed.
4. also consult the “additional obligations” (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/servizi-di-segreteria/item/12771-ulteriori-adempimenti) page to check if it is required to upload other documents for the master’s degree course of your choice
5. if you are also in possession of a qualification obtained abroad, the documents required by the ministerial provisions MUR provisions “Procedures for entry, residence and enrollment of foreign/international students to higher education courses” must be inserted in Italy a.y. 2022/2023″. For further information you can write to international@unipi.it

If you graduated from another university, to enroll in a master’s degree course you must:

  1. Register on the Alice portal:
    1. enter your personal data
    2. insert a passport photo in electronic format in the personal data section – Upload photo (check the information on the format of the photo)
    3. enter a copy of an identity document in the Secretariat – Identity documents section
    4. enter the data of the high school diploma in the Secretariat – Qualifications section.
    5. enter the degree title data in the Secretariat – Academic qualifications section. If you haven’t graduated yet, skip this step to complete your registration.
    6. insert a copy of the residence permit pursuant to article 39, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree no. 286 of July, 25, 1998, if you are a non-EU resident student
    7. if you are a non-resident non-EU student, you must first access the www.universitaly.it portal and fill in the pre-enrolment application as explained on the page https://www.unipi.it/index.php/iscrizioni-all-universita -di-pisa/item/4929-b-admission-to-a-master’s-degree
  2. Access the Admissions portal (https://ammissionelm.adm.unipi.it/):
    1. you must use the same credentials as the Alice portal
    2. you will have to choose between:
      – standard enrollment (if in possession of a first level degree, e.g. a three-year degree or an equivalent qualification)
      – university transfer (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/trasferimenti-e-passaggi/item/10354-trasferimento-da-altro-ateneo-a-corsi-di-laurea-magistrale-ad-accesso-libero) (in case you are currently enrolled in a degree course in another Italian university)
      – career abbreviation (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/immatricolazioni-e-iscrizioni/item/17868-abbreviazione-corsi-di-laurea-magistrale-ad-accesso-libero) (in case you already have a degree of the same level, e.g. master’s degree, specialist degree or pre-reform degree)
    3. the procedure, according to the provisions of Law 183/2011, will ask you to upload a self-certification of the degree title  with indication of the exams taken, the related credits and the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (CFU and SSD are not required for previous qualifications). reform). The self-certification must be signed.
    4. you will be able to upload additional documents that may be relevant for the evaluation of your application for admission (e.g. language certifications, self-certifications of exams taken in other careers …). Self-certifications must be signed.
    5. also consult the “additional obligations” (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/servizi-di-segreteria/item/12771-ulteriori-adempimenti) page to check if it is required to upload other documents for the master’s degree course of your choice. (N.B.: compulsory for master’s degree courses in Linguistics and Translation, Euro-American Languages, Literature and Philology, Computer Science, Computer Science and Networking and for master’s degree courses of the Department of Economics and Management)
    6. if the access qualification is obtained abroad, the documents required by the ministerial provisions MUR “Procedures for the entry, residence and enrollment of foreign/international students to higher education courses in Italy” must be inserted academic year 2022/2023″. For further information you can write to international@unipi.it


Once the application has been submitted, the Study Programme Council proceeds to verify the personal preparation and to ascertain the curricular requirements.
Through the Ammissionelm portal (https://ammissionelm.adm.unipi.it/) you can monitor the progress of the application for admission.
After viewing the resolution, if admitted, you will have to confirm the enrolment:
• paying the first instalment by 30 December 2022
• with the receipt of DSU scholarship application
in compliance with the procedure and terms established in the call for proposals of the Regional Agency for the Right to Education
• uploading on the Alice portal (Secretariat section – Disability declarations) a document that involves exemption from contributions (certification of recognized disability equal to or greater than 66%, or disability, with recognition of disability pursuant to art. 3 co. 1 of Law 104/1992)
If on 14 December 2022 you still do not know the outcome of the evaluation of curricular requirements and/or personal preparation, you can confirm your enrolment within 30 days of the communication of the resolution.

Until you confirm your enrolment, you cannot:
• take exams
• submit the application for a tax reduction. For further information “Regulations on student contributions for the academic year 2022/2023”

Enrolment in the Master’s Degree Programme is completed:
– If the verification of personal preparation and curricular requirements is positive:
• on the date of the day following the achievement of the degree (only for students of the University of Pisa who have submitted the request during the three-year degree application)
• on the date of payment of the first installment or presentation of the document that entails the temporary exemption of the contribution, for other students.
– If you have been interviewed/tested and/or enrolled in Single Transition Courses:
• on the date of the last acquisition of curricular requirements and/or personal preparation, and in any case by 30 December 2022. After that date, enrolment in the master’s degree course will be completed with the opening of enrolments for the academic year 2023/2024 and the enrolment application may be subject to a new evaluation, based on the courses offered in the same academic year
The educational activities that you have supported in previous careers or in the Single Transition Courses, identified as necessary for the possession of the curricular requirements, cannot be recognized in the career of the master’s degree.

Taxes and request for reduction

All information relating to the amounts and deadlines for the payment of taxes, together with the indications and terms for requesting the reduction of the contribution can be consulted on the dedicated page (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/tasse-e-diritto-allo-studio/item/18682-cdl-tasse-2020-2021).
N.B.: If on December 14, 2022 you do not yet know the outcome of the evaluation of curricular requirements and / or personal preparation, you can submit, after confirming enrolment, within 30 days from the date of effective communication of the resolution, the request for reduction, both in the case of enrolment in the master’s degree and in individual transitional courses.
In the following cases, the first installment, if paid, will be reimbursed:
• negative outcome of the verification of personal preparation without the possibility of recovery through Single Transition Courses;
• refusal of the student to enroll in the proposed single transition courses;
• lack of curricular requirements for more than 40 credits;
• withdrawal from studies submitted before the assessment of curricular requirements and/or initial preparation or within 15 days of completion of enrolment.
The repayment of the first installment will not be made if it was necessary for the achievement of the three-year degree.

Student card

By enrolling at the University of Pisa you can take advantage of all the services that the University makes available, including the issuance of the Student Card, badge with photo and matriculation number.
The Card, equipped with RFID and magnetic stripe, will be used to access all university services, including the catering points present in the various universities managed by the Ardsu Toscana, also with the function of ‘electronic purse’.
The Card can be used in Tuscan university canteens from the day after issue. All information regarding the rates applied and the request for a reduction in the tariff can be consulted on the dedicated page (https://www.dsu.toscana.it/es/come-si-accede).
The Student Card allows those who attend one of the universities of Tuscany (University of Pisa, University of Florence, University of Siena and University for Foreigners of Siena) to access all the services of the Right to Education, regardless of the university in which they are enrolled.
Procedure for issuing (https://www.unipi.it/index.php/servizi-di-segreteria/item/1495-rilascio-tessera-magnetica-e-duplicato)

Need more informations? Contact us!